Omar Ballester is a MSc in ICT Strategic Management candidate at UPF-Barcelona School of Management and currently thinks part-time for Cuatrecasas, a Spanish Big Law firm. Aside from managerial science, he has a Bachelor in Physics and a Higher Education degree in Drums. He wants to apply his skills to business analytics and performance improvement.

His scientific background gives him a highly reasoning mindset and has taught him some tools to quench his curiosity. He has done some research in Biophysics with Felix Retort, has done some teaching at secondary school and undergrad level and some volunteering at AFS-Intercultura. He has also played drums in several bands in Spain and UK including Papa Topo and The DuBarrys.

As an intercultural kid, Omar has lived in three countries for over a year as well as several other exchanges during high-school years. He currently lives in Barcelona, loving the weather and culture.

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